...but you never read them.
We got you. We want to help you free up some cognitive load and curate those "keep for later" articles for you.
It's rather simple, each article you add to your reading list lasts for 7 days, unless you decide to keep that article for later.
If you don't read that article within the timeframe we automatically delete it and keep your reading list nice and light.
That's it.
We automatically delete articles older than 7 days old, unless you decide to keep them of course.
Afterall, it is the name of the app. If you find a link expiring, you can extend it by another 7 days at a time.
If you opt in, each week we'll deliver you a summary of expiring articles so you stay on top!
If you find the text too small or too large, you have an array of formatting options for your articles.
Find yourself straining at the screen? No problem, you can set your article to a much more pleasant tone.
Want to save on the go? We provide a Chrome extension so you can save articles almost instantly.
Get started today for free. Start trimming down the cognitive load of articles you'll never get round to reading!